Digital Sisterhood with other Mom Bloggers. You know you are a Cyber Sister when the Blogs you read sound like you wrote them yourself, when the Tweets you see express the same glee or frustrations you feel and when your LinkedIn comments seem to receive replies from the same members no matter what your request or posts. In short, like minds will surface and attract each other.
In Cyber Sisterhood Land it is [ Even ] possible to be a Sister with a Man. Men’s inhibitions about expressing themselves or offering suggestions on sensitive topics seem to break down. In fact, I have a Sister in Ireland of like mind and spirit who’s name is Brian. Brian responded immediately to Cinda Baxter’s 3/50 Project and right a way began to push the concept through his connections there. The economy is crazy all over and Brian was not too proud or stubborn to take one woman’s idea and run with it.
Blogging can be like your “Dear Diary” of old only better. You write down your thoughts, fears, observations and dreams and if you are lucky someone will write back with suggestions and observations of their own…. Something like the image in the looking glass. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall and all that…….
A Blogger Mom or otherwise can express themselves in the middle of the night without comment from anyone else in the house. Moms, especially Career Moms, have so little time for themselves the gift of silence and solace from other Bloggers and Tweeters is invaluable.
A Mom will develop her crafting skills as soon as one of her children reaches school age. She will need to help with several projects a year and from this forced artistic expression she may develop a real love of crafting. I have been in contact, through Blogging and Tweeting, with many women who are working from home and endeavoring to sell their creations. Their websites are wonderful sources of inspiration and the power of positive thinking. “Build it and they will come.”
Because of my connection with the Sisterhood Project (about which I would never have known except for Twitter) my sisters and I have begun to make our life lists of defining moments, significant happenings, family transitions and the like to assemble and hopefully flesh out with some writing to pass on to our children and our sisters children and so on and so on.
Due to my connection with other Bloggers I have recently been inspired to start two new Blogs and
“Dear Diary, to day I………”