Ahhhh, the land of our Father's Father's Father..........Do you think there is truth in genetic inheritance regarding strengths and weaknesses even when the nurture is different. Is it true that most Irish tend to be of a firey nature, ready to fight for their cause, deeply introspective and fond of the drink. Or are we living up to our own reputation thus living a self fulfilling prophecy? What ever the case, we all cling to our own, fight to the death for selves or cause, rise to the occasion and love to tell a good story. In publishing this blog I am attempting to tell our story as I see it. You have your own stories and we would love for you to share them with us. Comment on any piece you see here or contact me and ask to be a blog contributor with the ability to publish you thoughts directly to a blog post (not just to comment on others) Hope to hear from you..............
wow this is outstanding comment for posting, thnak you.