Friday, October 16, 2009

We Were Raised to Be Goddesses, REALLY!

Saturday mornings, we spent some time, while in PJs, walking around the house with books on our heads to teach us to maintain our proper posture and balance. Then Mother would sing "The Stripper Instrumental" as we did our Folies Bergere act coming down the stairs in order of height. We saw no contradiction at that time between the two activities.

We went to bed nearly every night with rollers or "rags" (hair twisted around rags and then tied to keep the hair in) which were a type of soft roller if our hair was longer and we were younger.

We had nail check, shoe check, hair check, ear check, teeth check and a check on nearly all other body parts for cleanliness.

We never had spots on our clothes when out in public, we were never allowed to cuss and makeup was reserved for after 14 years of age. We were told "you're too beautiful to cover that lovely face." Even the fact that I have few eyebrows was reversed to tell me that "my eyes were so big and lovely that if I had eyebrows I would look funny" Big bangs helped too!!!

The arts and music were encouraged pass times from the time we were infants. We were sat down to watch American Band Stand so that we would know the latest dances;
All the while being told that this was acceptable and this was not, etc.

We didn't resent any of these regimens except ONE (getting the rats out of our hair) was not any fun!!

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