Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Miss Vivian - Vivian GainesTanner-Paxton

Vivian was an Earth Mother. She was a self- taught Black Artist & Poet who never painted or wrote until she was well into her 60's. She was my sister/girlfriend, which we fondly called each other. She enveloped me with her warm glow of pure God given love. She cooked with a magical touch that nourished your soul. My children's eyes would light with glee at the mere mention of Vivian's magical chocolate chip cookies. She was a deceptively ordinary woman on the surface, yet like no other woman you would ever have the good fortune to meet. I was drawn to her by some force quite beyond my ability to explain. There was a palpable aura about her.
I feel blessed that destiny brought her into my life, and that she shared her many unique insights on this journey we call life. My home is filled with the mystical glow from Vivian's lovely paintings. My heart is filled with the comforting words and profound insights she shared. She was a sister/girlfriend/fellow traveler on the pathway to understanding life's many dimensions. Noreen Reilly

1 comment:

  1. I also knew and loved Miss Vivian. She was a free spirit yet firmly grounded in what the spirit needs. I believe she truly had love for all mankind and the nature that surrounds us. I have a small pen and ink original of hers with tall grasses which seem to draw you down a covered path. It is a peaceful picture without threat of what may lie ahead. Thank you Miss Vivian
