Monday, April 12, 2010

Our Trip to Savannah

My niece, two grand nephews, Hubs and I and the Dog all piled into the car last week to make our trip South. What promised to be a stressful and cramped trip turned out to be some of the best fun had in a long time. Never a dull moment with a 16 year old and an 8 year old together in loving closeness for 11 hours. Hey Billy, Hey Billy, Hey Billy, Hey Billy--Get off me Thomas, get off me, get off me NOW. MOM!!!

Hey Uncle Ron, did you know I have $63 for my trip. What a coincidence, just the price of gas at the next fill up............Awwwwwwwwwwwww Uncle Ron.

Hey Guys, did you know that I was stationed in the Army down here on one of the most famous Civil War Battle Grounds? Let me tell you about the time...........

What did that guy at the store say? I couldn't really understand him. That's a Southern Accent Thomas. OH.....

Hey Uncle Ron, When I tell my teachers I had an 11 hour history lesson and learned a new language I bet I don't get in trouble for taking an extra week of vacation.....

And then we were there near Raleigh, NC!!! Next day off to Savannah....

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