And we are here………….Savannah. The land of Paula Dean and Spanish Moss……Jim Williams and "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"…..….eclectic River Front Stores and where Tybie Island sea turtles meet crab house restaurants….this is the new home of our First New York Goddess. Oh how we’ve missed her!
We arrived about 5:30PM on Friday night after a 5 and ½ hour drive from the Raleigh, NC area. Over a magnificent Double Sail Bridge….through the Historic District, around and through several Monument Squares and Azalea lined corridors of historic homes of all shapes and sizes.
Our #1 Goddess is waiting in the living room and she is gorgeous in every way. The inconvenience of treatments have not dulled her smile or sense of humor. “Hello Rattlesnake” she giggles. Big hugs and sloppy kisses to her daughter and grandsons and me. Our Sister Goddess is an amazing woman!!!
So there we were, (two dogs, two kids and 5 adults) ready to spend a week with each other, camping out style in Downtown Savannah. We had a ball, the kids and dogs were great and we all managed to use the bathrooms when no one else had an emergency.
Easter was upon us and the Big Bunny managed to find Thomas while Heather worked her kitchen magic which revealed a marvelous dinner of all things good an fattening…We concentrated on the good part! And the lemon pudding filled powder sugar topped cupcakes were amazing!!
A lunch trip to Paula Dean's, strolling along the River Front and finding home made pralines and fudge, a Hearse Tour of the Haunted Mansions of Savannah, A trip to Tybie Island and dinner at the Crab House by the Sea…Who could ask for more? We didn’t ask- but we received!!!
Strength and Wisdom and Love and a little Sadness; but not much of that was allowed….. Jokes and Giggles and Warm Memories with a few tears…. Kisses and Hugs and Tickles and Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs……..Watching American Idol and worrying about who would leave next, Oh No, Not big Mike!!!! And though we thought the girl with the dread locks has a great voice, it made us itch to look at her hair……….
More hugs and kisses, we don’t want to leave. We all knew it was time to go but we held on. Has there ever been a family so in love with each other. Of course there has been; but, we act like it’s only us. Sisters and Brother, Nieces and Nephews, Children and Grand Children we gather in druid reminiscent style to share the strength of each other and this much loved Woman Goddess we call Noreen, Reenie, Sis, Mom, Nonnie, Aunt Reenie, our Port in a Storm, our powerful Wizardress able to conjure up a family get together in a moment’s notice and still look Maaaahvelous DaaaahlinG!!!
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