Real Friends, girlfriends or otherwise, and family members never seem to miss a chance to remind you of something you did or something that happened to you much worse than what you may be going through right now.
For instance, I was speaking with my daughter this morning and we were talking about work related tension and stress. She told me about her upcoming meetings and traveling to Colorado on a bid defense for her company.
I told her that I was touring a client today and planned to show many homes going by the list that was sent to me. I was a little stressed trying to fit it all in ( large country geography here)and was a bit concerned I might get lost or turned around because of the unmarked roads etc. in the lake communities I was to be visiting.
She said, "Hey Mom, what are you wearing?" I replied, "skirt,top, matching shoes and jewelry." She inquired about the stability of the closure on the skirt. I was puzzled trying to understand what she was talking about and then she reminded me that I had, in fact, lost my skirt last year while showing houses.
Well I didn't really loose it, it just completely fell to the ground as I was walking. Thank God I was wearing opaque pantyhose over the panties. No slip though as I hate them. I indeed was mortified and positive that the customers would want no further part of me. They did end up purchasing one of my listings after all and Bridget reminded me that if those purchasers could still work with me, then what is the big deal about a little turn around in the middle of deep woods.
Bridget reminded me about one of my most embarrassing moments, yet I felt better about today. PS. It was a successful tour.