Fortunate changes as we age!
Isn’t it fortunate that as we age our tastes seem to change as well? For instance, I no longer stare with dropped mouth at young men with tight butts and rock hard abs; but would rather spend time with those of my own age. A little silver at the temples is a sexy thing to me now.
I would rather sit quietly on the back porch with a good friend or even a good book than prep myself for a night out at the local pub. Which is not to say that I don’t enjoy a good pub night with friends; but I no longer need to do this once a week.
I would rather bake for my friends than go to a bakery and fill myself with gooey and fattening fair. This is another good thing as my middle seems to expand on its very own without the added sugar.
I would rather live in my “denim uniform” (jeans and a faded denim shirt) than dress for a formal affair. It is a good thing that I have less and less of them to attend these days!!
I would much rather walk around a farmers market than shop in Manhattan which is also good as my income has dropped while my age has increased.
I no longer long for a huge mansion but would rather live in a little country cottage by the side of a dirt road with small flower gardens; which is fortunate as the cost of fuel has risen to new heights.
Oh Dear, it seems I would also rather write, Blog, IM, Twitter and Facebook than get my butt off this recliner and see people face to face!!!!! This is not a good change……….
This piece is priceless and oh so true. I find getting off a chair a chore! During one of my 'up' evenings in the Backyard ( Spumoni Gardens) I was sitting there and realized I was the OLDEST person present. Ralph B was with me and he made the comment, "JF, I have retired from intellectualism"...ha, ha, ha. I think I've pretty much done the same thing...Yesterday, I hauled 22 buckets of dirt from my compost heap and lined a trench made by a cherry picker used to take down a dead walnut tree in our backyard this past spring. WUZ happy as a clam doing this. I have come to hate having to be anywhere according to a clock. Gonna make a nice illegal bonfire in my backyard and BURN all my pantyhose! ......and why go to the city when the city folk are UP HERE.........THIS is their playground...including the Farmer's Market. Great piece, ....again....thanks for sharing......Made me feel not so bad about my self imposed monastic existence.. which is 'delicious'. You bake I COOK! Same thing. We're doing for people.....