Hey, remember all those weird, scarey coincidences we are always talking about?
Yeah, they happen to me all the time; but they don't happen to everyone.
They may, you just have to be listening. Let me tell you my latest........................ ................
Not that weird, remember the time my glass exploded at the dining table while we were discussing whether or not to give credence to the devil's evil forces.
Sure do, I am thinking about concentrating my mind's power toward a cure or at least a slow down of this cancer of mine.
They say that healing is hastened by laughter, you have been and continue to be so positive through all of this. I am so proud of you!!!
I thank God every morning for another day and then I listen. If you listen messages will come, you just have to listen and be thankful.
Still the Big Sister, the Teacher, the Pathfinder, the Light. How I love you!
The Celtic Corsairs
11 years ago